(keitai-l) Re: Introduction

From: Andrea Hoffmann <ah_at_anima.de>
Date: 06/29/01

> J-Phone and Au use different markup languages. i-Mode uses cHTML which
> is just a subset of the normal HTML.

i-mode uses "i-mode compatible HTML" which is *based* on CHTML but has been
extended with some special tags, attributes and picture symbols etc, that are
NOT part of the CHTML specs as they have been submitted to the W3C.

The specs of i-mode compatible HTML (version 1.0, 2.0. and 3.0) can be found on
the Docomo website (the newest version is inly in Japanese, whereas the English
version is a bit outdated).

> accessible from J-Phone, it should be in HDML/WML.

That's wrong. J-phone/J-Sky uses MML (Mobile Markup Language) which is
HTML-based like CHTML, which means that you can use CHTML as well as MML to
create J-Sky content.

HDML is used by AU/KDDI for its EZweb service and this is the only one which is
not compatible with i-mode/J-Sky because it is WAP = different from HTML.

However, with the new micro browsers from Openwave and Access (going to be used
by ezweb and i-mode in the future), content made in XHTML will be fully
accessible by users of both services. Furthermore, both new browser versions are
going to support the markup language from the other side (dual browsers) making
altready existing content written in i-mode compatible HTML or HDML accessible
by both EZweb phones and i-mode phones.

Does somebody know which micro browser J-Sky handsets are going to use?


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jun 29 08:51:05 2001