(keitai-l) Re: User Agent / HTTP_USER_AGENT lists?

From: Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings_at_roundpoint.com>
Date: 07/26/01
Message-ID: <70B689D6582BF04690D425A24AB386E408C450@presidio.roundpoint.co.uk>
Brian Hutchison wrote:
> I am looking for information and resources for user agents for all
> browser models. I've looked through the archives and have found some
> valuable information on the nature of user agents for various browser
> models. Much thanks to Mika Tuupola for the listing of iMode user
> agents and keeping it up-to-date
> (http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/code/iua/). The
> http://www.nttdocomo.com/i/tag/s2.html page is also valuable for
> iMode phones. Can anyone point me towards similiar resources for 
> J-Phones and EzWeb (au & TUKA) phones? 

Do EzWeb phones use only UP.Browser, or are there other browsers?  If
you go to <http://upmkt.openwave.com/dev_phones/phones.cfm> and set
Location to Japan then you'll get a list of phones and device IDs that
may be what you're looking for.  I don't know how complete that list
is but it's a start.  The device ID appears in the User-Agent field
after "UP.Browser/", the browser version number, and a hyphen, e.g.
in "UP.Browser/3.04-HI11 UP.Link/" the device ID is HI11.
Some versions of UP.Browser send the device ID at the beginning of the
User-Agent field, so you'd better check for that as well.

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Jul 26 13:24:57 2001