(keitai-l) Re: old keitai

From: Benjamin Kowarsch <benjk_at_mac.com>
Date: 07/31/01
Message-Id: <v04003a0db78c6d6ddc23@[]>
>> It was implicated that miniturisation and colour screens were an outcome of
>> the Japanese going their own way, to which I responded, that those would
>> have occured nevertheless and are therefore not a benefit of a non-standard
>> approach.
>Not sure I can agree. One could argue that given a plethora of cost-effective
>external suppliers Japanese manufacturers would have been overwhelmed by
>competition as DoCoMo wouldn't really care if phones came from NEC or Nokia,
>and therefore would probably have bought existing GSM Nokia phones <snip>

But that is the whole point of competition. The chance that a customer
might choose a competitor's product drives companies to compete with
products they hope are better or cheaper than those of their competitors.

Experience shows that industries which are exposed to competition benefit
while protected industries don't. The Japanese car industry is a very good
example of this.

kind regards

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Received on Tue Jul 31 17:08:13 2001