(keitai-l) Re: Accesng web server

From: Gary James <gary.james_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 11/27/01
Message-ID: <3C0327CF.69938B3B@lincmedia.co.jp>
> dear sir , I wrote a simple iApplication to read a text file from apache web
> server runing in local machine .
> But it is giving the exception ....
> java.lang.SecurityException: package URL mismatch
> the code is like this ...
> Any one please tell me what is going wrong here . Do i need to configure
> anything for that ?

Another thing you could try is editing the preferences ("Edit" menu ->
"Preferences") of  KtoolBar.  Make sure "Network Access" is enabled.
You may also need an entry for "Source URL" (I use "*").

Gary James
Project Leader (Theta Team)
Layer-8 Technologies, LINC Media Group

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Received on Tue Nov 27 07:50:14 2001