(keitai-l) Re: data:voice tariff ratio...

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net>
Date: 04/19/02
Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.4.43.0204191843490.445-100000@angelic.cynic.net>
On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, dc wrote:

> I'm comparing voice to data prices for various carriers;
> does someone have a similar stat for i-mode/docomo? eg 1 packet = 128 bytes,
> = 0.3 yen correct?
> So an SMS length msg (160 bytes + em headers) would be < 1 cent?

Yeah. A hair under half a cent, at current exchange rates.

> What's the tariff for voice calls? How much does 1 minute cost (eg = how
> many short msgs).

That varies with the following:

    1. The plan you use.
    2. The time of day.
    3. What kind of phone you're calling (Docomo keitai, other keitai, PHS
	or landline).
    4. Where that phone is located.

It's rather complex. If you get a copy of the Docomo english
brochure, though, you can work it out. I don't have one handy here,
though I have one at home.

> Also shortmail (i-mode to i-mode) is cheaper (but not free like skymail).

I don't recall the cost on this, but I expect it too is in the brochure.

> And is receiving mail the same cost as sending? Read somewhere it was
> different but that wouldn't make sense as packet fees are same in and out...

As far as I know, it's exactly the same.

Curt Sampson  <cjs_at_cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC
Received on Fri Apr 19 12:47:20 2002