(keitai-l) Re: Opinions on newer J-Phones

From: Kyle Barrow <kyle_at_x-9.com>
Date: 05/16/02
Message-ID: <B9097257.44B%kyle@x-9.com>
On 05/16/2002 11:13, "Curt Sampson" <cjs@cynic.net> wrote:
> Why do you want to avoid the AU 3G system? Is their coverage not
> good enough yet? 'Cause it sure seems to have everything else....
> cjs

Normal AU coverage is patchy compared with DoCoMo (FOMA aside). My DoCoMo
phone works on even the highest Nagano peaks but the AU phone is out of
range at the wrong end of our living room in central Osaka.



X-9 design lab  :  http://www.x-9.com
Received on Thu May 16 08:29:00 2002