(keitai-l) Re: SO505i (Sony Ericsson) (mobile phones form factors in EU JP)

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 04/18/03
Message-Id: <35549196-7180-11D7-B7BB-003065BA6D3A@exsense.com>
It is always the same trade-off: more features or less weight. Seams=20
like that the 145 grams range has been accepted for advanced features=20
in Japan addressed to "power-users".  30-40 more grams for a megapixel=20=

quality camera seams to me acceptable...

The interesting thing I am experiencing in EU is that phones that are =20=

heavy and bulky but with advanced features are well accepted by the=20
youngsters and early adopters.

Not tech savvy and older users do not understand the value of having=20
the advanced features so they tend to buy lighter phones with less=20
advanced features.

In this sense Nokia's EU segmentation seams correct as it covers most=20
of the needs...

Gioved=EC, 17 apr 2003, alle 09:44 Europe/Rome, Tom Motoyoshi Kalland ha=20=


> 145g?! is it just me or are japanese phones growing bulkier and =
> these days? just got back to tokyo from a trip to seoul and those=20
> phones
> over there were _tiny_ (sure, they're behind on everything but size,=20=

> but
> still). :/
> now that these 505 phones are due to hit the market, do au/kddi and=20
> jphone
> have something planned to cope with the competition? ought to be the=20=

> first
> time in awhile that docomo seems ahead on gizmo factors.
> .tmk - who thinks his 106g keitai is more than heavy enough :/
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Giovanni Bertani wrote:
>> Really teh Japanese market shows us how a mature consumer device will
>> be.
>> For  3G I would like to see this phone with Symbian Os or NOKIA =
>> 60 and maybe Bluetooth. It could be the perfect device:
>> http://mobile.burn.com/news.jsp?Id=3D295
>> Giovanni
>> This mail was sent to address tmk@infeline.org
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Received on Fri Apr 18 12:30:14 2003