(keitai-l) Re: java telephones

From: Colin Mack <colin_at_b-factory.co.jp>
Date: 05/08/03
Message-Id: <FDCCA710-80FB-11D7-8A7C-0003934BD90C@b-factory.co.jp>
> BTW, do all of the 505i series have QVGA screens? I didn't see this
> mentioned anywhere until I saw this month's Docomo phones catalogue,
> which rather quietly indicates that the D505i does. Man, that's going 
> to
> make reading e-mail and web sites much, much nicer....

Yes, I believe this is correct. The downside is that it also makes all 
your current applis look like little postage stamps on that big, big 
screen :(
Received on Thu May 8 05:27:45 2003