(keitai-l) Re: 20th anniversary of Minitel

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/14/03
Message-ID: <17810738871.20030515001906@nooper.com>
> Well, personally, I for one have nothing against Japanese women. God
> guys, grow up. There are women on this list too, and this I pretty
> insulting to them, don't you think?

Not sure if you talk about me** or Nick, but Nick's comment
contains at least that much clichés as the TV spots for

I described the TV ad only to show who the real target group
for L-mode is: housewifes. The whole service is very food
and household oriented and contains a lot of cooking and recipe
tips etc.

Basically I think that L-mode is redundant, because the
target group "housewifes" also have Keitai (so have kids from
early on).

To bring more clichés into the mix, we tested Nooper with
Japanese housewifes and they asked us if we can provide cooking
recipe and household Noopies. Just yesterday we got this
Noopie request again. It's popular, as cheap expired sushi
are popular*.


*) Sushi 'expire' in Japan after some hours. If you buy fresh
   sushi in a shop, they provide you with a sticker which gives
   you a timeframe of 3 hours to eat them.
   Every supermarket sells 'expired' sushi after 6pm or so
   for half the price. It's popular among students or everybody
   who has not much money and still more fresh than any sushi
   you can buy in Germany.

**)Google me and you will find out that I have nothing against
   Japanese women (or other nationalities) at all, but still
   I will not marry, because I think that's a 'ownership' concept
   from yesterday and I live today.
Received on Wed May 14 18:21:30 2003