(keitai-l) Re: SD Cards : Any interesting apps ?

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 05/30/03
Message-ID: <519157326.20030530125104@nooper.com>
> Dictionairy: really great

I agree.

> eBooks: maybe 5min books are okay? 
>           Tough even we got now nice QVGA screens, is it really usable?

We got some user requests (from female users if this matters) for a
"Erotic Story Noopie" per day, so we found a source, created this
Noopie for a bunch of female test users and there you go...some of the
stories span over 3 pages (about 12kb length) and we got some
complaints like:

* The stories are too long!
* It takes too long until the action starts!
* I want more of this specific style!


So I guess it could work if you stick to real short stories, get
rid of a long foreplay and give the users a real choice in advance
which one to read.

If anybody wants to use this Noopie for purely informal research
reasons, send me private mail and your keitai address and I share it
with you.

Juergen Specht, CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc., Tokyo, Japan
i-mode & FOMA consulting, development, testing:  http://nooper.co.jp
Check Nooper, your little intelligent email buddy: http://nooper.com
Received on Fri May 30 06:54:01 2003