(keitai-l) Re: Archives and search

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 09/10/03
Message-id: <fc.000f7610000abb713b9aca0078c752b6.abb72@kyushunet.com>
I am curious, which browser OS combinations are still having problems
with the amended layout?

I use tables for pretty much everything on the grounds that writing
whizzy standards compliant pages has little purpose  unless the user has
a  standards compliant browsers, and a significant percentage are not.
Tables are a nasty kludge, but they work.

If most people can see the archive layout, it might be worth re-assessing
that policy.


keitai-l@appelsiini.net,Internet writes:

>You are suggesting moving a page that:
>1. Is almost standards compliant (needs to sort out the head elements 
>and some unclosed tags, etc. and it's there).
>2. Separates content from layout.
>3. Is relatively screen-reader friendly (add a hidden "skip navigation" 
>div at the top of the page linking to "middle" would make it better)
>4. Users CSS em font sizes so even poor unfortunates using Windows IE 
>can easily resize fonts if they find themselves squinting too much.
>5. Will flow to fit any screen.
>to a page that:
>1. Uses font tags. Font tag size differ greatly between browsers and 
>2. Is not screen-reader friendly (they have a hard time when tables are 
>not used to display tabular data).
>3. Uses font tags!
>4. Uses tables!
>Mika, please don't!
>This mail was sent to address nick@kyushu.com
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Received on Wed Sep 10 09:54:34 2003