(keitai-l) Re: IApplication::getParameter

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 09/16/03
Message-ID: <3F66E2E1.90709@yha.att.ne.jp>
Not sure about the error, but how are you starting this app?

you need something like the following in the page you download the app 
from in order to grab a parameter as you are trying to do.

 <OBJECT declare id="app" data="OBJTest.jam" type="application/x-jam">
   <PARAM name="Param1" value="i-mode">
   <PARAM name="Param2" value="iappli">
 <a ijam="#app" href="index.html">download</a>

If you are running in an emulator then you may not be able to specify 
this parameter value - at least I can't see a way to set it in the DoJa 
3 emulator


Alexander Ongelico wrote:

>i have the following code.  however, i am getting an error.
>public class OBJTest extends IApplication
>  public void start()
>  {
>    String p1=this.getParameter("Param1");
>    Dialog d=new Dialog(Dialog.DIALOG_INFO,"test");
>    d.setText("Param1="+p1);
>    d.show();
>  }
>ERROR: Native method 'com/nttdocomo/ui/IApplication::getParameter()' has
>used temporary roots incorrectly.
>does anyone here know why this error occurs?  what does the error mean?
Received on Tue Sep 16 13:14:54 2003