(keitai-l) Re: Vodafone, DoCoMo will not launch 3G 'until it works'

From: Ken Chang <carigate_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 10/17/03
Message-ID: <20031017173538.95425.qmail@web13104.mail.yahoo.com>
both DoCoMo and Vodafone have to go 3G in Japan. 

DoCoMo invested in W-CDMA heavily and their FOMA network broke 
the world record of the least communication traffic (minutes/packets) 
made on each dollar of the equipment. 

it's a different story for Vodafone Japan.  Ericsson failed to 
provide them good PDC equipment as DoCoMo's, and the PDC network is 
more expensive than GSM, cdma, and even UMTS! 

so UMTS is better if it could work as well as PDC. 

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Received on Fri Oct 17 20:35:50 2003