(keitai-l) location based gaming

From: nick may <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 04/02/04
Message-Id: <390670CE-8481-11D8-97F7-00039377A93A@kyushu.com>
Interesting write-up of location based gaming
Mogi is a collecting game - "item hunt". The game provides a data-layer 
over the city of Tokyo. As you move through the city, if you check a 
map on your mobile phone screen, you'll see nearby items you can pick 
up and nearby players you can meet or trade with them


(link found on  slashdot)

(One can imagine all kinds of interesting variations incorporating the 
apparently popular English activity of "dogging".)

Received on Fri Apr 2 11:40:16 2004