(keitai-l) Italy: Elections by SMS. What do you think?

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 06/11/04
Message-Id: <6B3C87A4-BBE6-11D8-8020-003065BA6D3A@exsense.com>
Today, an SMS sent and firmed by the Council of Ministers of the 
Italian Republic reminded all the Italian mobile phone users that 
tomorrow is election day:

  "Elezioni 2004, si vota sabato 12 dalle 15 alle 22 e domenica 13 dalle 
7 alle 22. Necessari documento e tessera elettorale".

  "Elections 2004, vote on Saturday 12 from 15 to 22 and on Sunday, from 
7 to 22. ID and voting card are required"

The President of the Council, Silvio Berlusconi says the initiatives 
aims solely at reducing absenteeism: "We know that over 4 million 
Italians go away during the week-end: I address this invitation to them 
so that they come back and vote."


Every italian (Including me) has received this message today. This is 
producing a lot of discussion about privacy and costs (The Gov.it has 
spent  more than 4 million euros for this message).

To be more complete this is not the first time. In the past the italian 
governament has sent a similar message informing of the situation about 
a general black-out of the national power system, and nobody has 
discussed about this and no mobile related  blog (That I know) have 
reported this case.

What do you think? Is this a stupid idea or is just an example of 
pubblic use of mobile tech?


Giovanni Bertani
Received on Fri Jun 11 23:32:18 2004