(keitai-l) a good news from Vodafone.jp

From: Ken Chang <carigate_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 06/23/04
Message-ID: <20040623151828.52847.qmail@web13123.mail.yahoo.com>

I saw some presentations and listened speeches by this guy. 
he makes wrong the basic data of his own company and he cannot 
sort things out in the right order ... and he is not alone. 

Mr. Sarin did a great job when Vodafone acquired AirTouch, but I 
feel sorry that Vodafone installed Mr. Green only to kill J-Phone. 

a Japanese commentator says on TV that Vodafone.jp won't retreat. 
but the market is now really between DoCoMo and au/KDDI, with 
Vodafone.jp and TU-KA watching. 

DoCoMo, hampered by its obsolete i-mode and FOMA infrastructure, 
has now the overwhelming advantage and by far leading the market 
with its new FeliCa/Edy (stocks to buy: Sony and Hitachi) related 
service.  we don't know yet how far it will go, but I do hope it 
will become big. 

it's something way more serious than DRM.  maybe soon any handset 
you (the theft) see with whatever colorful faceplate, you'll see 
greenback.  and stealing a handset might mean stealing everything 
from a person, including his identity. 

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Received on Wed Jun 23 18:18:32 2004