(keitai-l) Re: AU GPS

From: David Harper <dharper_at_wirelessink.com>
Date: 08/30/04
Message-Id: <1093850649.1B3028EE@s5.dngr.org>
> Also, anyone into GeoCaching?
>  What's that?

GeoCaching is a "sport"/"treasure hunt game." Someone places a "cache" 
at specific geo coordinates (A "cache" can be a treasure - take one, 
leave one or a journal/log book to be signed - "I found it!. I was 
here!" etc.), then publishes "clues" and geo data as to it's location. 
Others then use a gps-enabled device to zero in and find the cache. 
While "GeoCaching" can be enjoyed on an individual basis for 
fun/exercise, competitions can also be organized among multiple 
participants where a time limit comes into play (or a series of caches 
each pointing to the next.) More information can be found at 
David Harper
Wireless Ink: Mobilizing the Masses
1-631-367-6640 (Office)
1-631-335-3485 (Mobile)
wirelessink (AOL IM)
WINKsite ID #1561
Received on Mon Aug 30 10:24:21 2004