(keitai-l) Re: AU GPS

From: Christopher Kobayashi <chriskk_at_gmail.com>
Date: 08/30/04
Message-ID: <cd896f6804083006501d468453@mail.gmail.com>
> (1)
> I'm not sure about Europe or China, but I think it's a good thing
> that in Japan all the 3G mobiles will have GPS by 2007 as required
> by MPHPT Soumu-sho.

Can't wait till GPS is within most mobiles. I wonder what kind of
privacy laws will be implemented...

> for au/KDDI's GPS solutions, google the words: gpsOne, SnapTrack,
> ez-navi or ez-navigation, ez-navi-walk, navi-time, CoCoSecom, etc.
> from site:itmedia.co.jp or site:impress.co.jp.

Thanks for the info. I browsed through gpsOne info on Qualcomm's site
and SnapTrack. Found this to be interesting: Mobile Station (MS)-based
A-GPS, MS-assisted A-GPS,
and Standalone GPS. My keitai includes MS-based A-GPS capabilities. It
gives me three grades of GPS coordinates. If I'm in a building I
usually get a grace C, but if I'm under open sky I get grade A. Do you
think these map to the three services mentioned? e.g. MS-based A-GPS
is grade A, while Standalone GPS is grade C.

> I still have problem to understand games based on real location ...

This is something that the creators of Mogi would know.

Take care,

b: http://blog.oreno.org/
e: chriskk@gmail.com
Received on Mon Aug 30 16:50:38 2004