(keitai-l) Vodafone 3g Streaming in the UK

From: alfie <alfie_at_moblog.co.uk>
Date: 02/23/05
Message-ID: <421BD18F.1010808@moblog.co.uk>
Sorry for my first post to be a request for some help or guidance, but 
there it is...

We have been trying for the last few days to stream 3gp format content 
to the Nokia 6630 on the Vodafone network. The player (Real Player 
embedded) looks at the server, the server tries to give it the packets, 
but it seems that Vodafone are throttling the UDP ports, not allowing 
any content to hit the player that isnt coming in directly via Voda-Live 
- as per, nothing definitive forthcoming from Voda tech. support, so I 
was hoping some kind Keitai soul might have a clue?

Alfie Dennen
Received on Wed Feb 23 02:42:53 2005