(keitai-l) How to install i-appli

From: Arnold P. Siboro <asiboro_at_maltech.jp>
Date: 10/12/05
Message-Id: <20051012110029.4510.ASIBORO@maltech.jp>
As I am not DoCoMo user, so this question is a novice's question: how to
install i-appli from PC to FOMA handset without using the internet? I
struggled with FOMA SH700i handset, and with Google, but could not seem
to find out how.

On both au/Vodafone it's very simple, I just copy the Java app from PC
to the phone via USB/Bluetooth/media and then install the app from the
handset. I did copied the file to a media and inserted it to SH700i, but
I could find a menu to install it..

Arnold P. Siboro (asiboro@maltech.jp)

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." 
                                          --  Albert Einstein
Received on Wed Oct 12 05:05:06 2005