(keitai-l) Ostracized PHS (WillCom)

From: Shannon Jacobs <shanen_at_gmx.co.uk>
Date: 12/12/05
Message-ID: <002d01c5ff0b$3d007350$0301a8c0@nv6881>
> Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:55:50 +0900
> From: Michael Smith <smith@xml-doc.org>
> Subject: Re: WillCom and Opera
> You might try Tangotown -
>   http://tangotown.jp/tangotown/
> If it doesn't work, I think I might be able to put you in touch
> with somebody at Enfour (the company that runs the site). Or, I
> would guess that there must be somebody from Enfour on this list
> already.
> Tangotown provides kanji lookup and a whole lot of other things
> than just their online dictionary. As far as the dictionary
> itself, it doesn't have the abundance of usage examples that Eijiro
> (ALC) provides, but it does have some other things that Eijiro
> lacks. For example, the ability to look up words by their kana
> readings (instead of just by exact kanji match, as Eijiro is
> currently limited to). It also does "fuzzy" searching, so it can
> often find a word even if it is missing some characters. For
> example, if you type in とうきょ (toukyo) instead of とうきょう
> (toukyou) for 東京 (the city Tokyo).

Nope, they don't accept PHS. I sent them email, but the first one bounced,
which is not too professional. I sent another to a honcho, but haven't heard
anything yet. Only question I asked was why no PHS support.
Received on Mon Dec 12 13:00:26 2005