(keitai-l) Re: A quick survey. Was Re: Re: Mobile Web Development in Japan: A Tag Soup Tale

From: Christopher Kobayashi <chriskk_at_gmail.com>
Date: 12/13/05
Message-ID: <cd896f680512130256p3d2e145dq74a00cd89307bea3@mail.gmail.com>
> B. Detect the mobile, redirect and deliver content based on its
> capabilities using WURL et al.

I've used B for the keitai web apps I've been involved in. Basically,
used the PHP Pear library Net_UserAgent_Mobile to sniff the user-agent
and redirect to either /i/ /e/ /v/. The /i/, and /v/ were pretty much
the same simple HTML pages except for some areas where emoji was
involved. The /e/ used XHTML.

I don't remember the details off the top of my head, but for an image
heavy site I used the following method:
- once within the carrier specific folder (/i/, /e/, /v/), I checked
for a combination of version, screen width, or cache size to serve
- Setup a batch of smaller jpegs(lowest width and filesize), and larger ones.
- Anything below a certain level would not be served any image,
mid-range phones were served the smaller jpegs, and the recent models
got the larger ones.

* After reading this thread and the Mobile Link Discovery, rethinking ...

b: http://ver2.oreno.org/
e: chriskk@gmail.com
Received on Tue Dec 13 12:56:27 2005