(keitai-l) Re: I-mode in the US - where's the content?

From: Hubert Hung-Hsien Chang <hubert_at_4w1h.com>
Date: 03/27/01
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.32.0103270729300.14863-100000@cs.csoft.net>
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Daniel Scuka wrote:

> There are at several US- or Canada-based companies actively working on
> i-mode (or, rather, cHTML) content; I'm willing to suspect there are many
> more. A second, and equally important, category is the content enablers--the
> companies developing technology that allows diverse content (streaming
> anything, Java games, security, nado nado) to be ported to any sort of
> i-mode platform. Here's a partial list:
> 1. 724 (Toronto, Austin); security, content management, tools
If you put the 724, then there are a whole bunch of companies
will be in this category. 724 main focus is on finaicla firms.

> 2. Gamelet (San Francisco); Java games
> 3. animobile.com (LA); animation, characters
> 2. Plazmic.com (Toronto); Java-stuff (games as well as applications)

I would think the above 3 are doing i-mode specific thing.

> 3. cyberzen.com (US--I can't remember where, or what the focus is)

Don't know what they are doing. i-mode poetry?

Well, if you list all the companies who have a i-mode verison of
whatever they already have, then you probaly could list a whole bunch
in a short time.

> 4. google.com (SF)
> 5. www.gravitate-usa.com (US--I can't remember where, or what the focus is)
> 7. Extended Systems (US--I can't remember where, or what the focus is)
> I'd be keen to hear from anyone who can add more to this.
> --Daniel Scuka

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Received on Tue Mar 27 16:25:47 2001