(keitai-l) What about KPN? Re: Re: difficulties of becoming an official i-mode si te

From: JAPON.NET <web_at_japon.net>
Date: 05/09/01
Message-ID: <B71F204F.2987%web@japon.net>
"Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan". This may have been the
article starting the thread but there is plenty of meat in here.

The carriers need to make public their business criteria (not limited to
menu status). Then this can be analyzed, followed, or whatever. This should
be done preferably at the START of the service, not 2 years later.

Companies wishing to have a biz relation with the carriers need to be
serious about it. Following trends without analysis or preparation is NOT
being serious. THEN complain, and complain hard.

Preparation would tell that there are TWO other carriers (with more users
than most foreign companies customers), how listings are decided, and the
merits and demerits of being on the menus. As a note, with official 1.500+
sites navigating the menu is not that easy; companies should consider
whether to promote their own URL is an option. For companies with little
Japanese web success, this is naturally scary.

Side Comment: The situation often happens because companies that are used to
be treated as VIPs (ie. airlines in their respective countries) are given
little attention by DoCoMo. JAPON.NET and other consultants work in managing
these ego-filled relationships and doing the hard work.

And since this mailing list is lurked by many from outside Japan, the really
interesting question would be:
How do we get on the KPN/ATT-Mobile/TIM official menu?
Any learning from the Japanese experience?

Vincent J. Luna, Director
JAPON.NET llc.: Making Your Company Visible in Japan
web_at_japon.net   http://www.japon.net/web/

iMode Eye: Independent Source on Japan's mBiz
Vice-Chairman, eCommerce Committee
European Business Community 欧州ビジネス協議会

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Received on Wed May 9 10:19:54 2001