(keitai-l) i-mode in Europe

From: John Whelan <john.whelan_at_alatto.com>
Date: 05/23/01
Message-ID: <NEBBLLLMJKPEFCMEDFKFKECHCPAA.john.whelan@alatto.com>
As far as I can figure the only way to reliably demonstrate an i-mode
application if you are based in Europe is as follows:

1. Go to Japan download the application and store in handset cache.
2. Come back to Europe and hope you never accidentally delete your cache
until your next trip.

Can anyone suggest a better way? For example I have a N503i and I see from
the manual I can buy SLIM USB data cable. This should enable me to download
content. Has anyone tried this?

Thanks in advance or any help.


John Whelan PhD
Alatto Ltd.
Linden Court
Stillorgan Plaza
Co Dublin

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed May 23 18:48:51 2001