(keitai-l) Re: How to get Handset ID for non-503i DoCoMo phon es, maybe.

From: <drew.freyman_at_nokia.com>
Date: 09/08/01
Message-ID: <6468108794D6D311AB850008C72B5EA406084C43@toeis01nok>
It is DCM policy to not pass on soft or hard ID info to non-official sites.
In public forums they have stated the reason for this policy is their
responsibility to protect the privacy of their customers.  They continue to
be pressured in these forums to change this policy.

-----Original Message-----
From: ext M. David [mailto:davidm1@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 6:45 PM
To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
Subject: (keitai-l) Re: How to get Handset ID for non-503i DoCoMo
phones, maybe.

Just tried it out on my D502i, doesn't work for non-official sites.

Can anyone explain why docomo wont pass a handset id on to unofficial 
sites? They could easily change the value for unofficial sites to keep 
people from faking it and changing user info on official sites- They do 
this for 503 models already right?

David M.

>     Each user has a unique id.  The user ID is 12 characters long and 
consists of
>letters and numbers.  In the URL place the following request: 
>The i-mode gateway will then replace NULLGWDOCOMO with the userid.  The
>recipient will recieve a confirmation window.
>     I make no guarantees on this, but maybe its accurate.  The original 
is on Japanese
>at the following URL with lots of other useful stuff:

無料メールは、世界 No.1 の MSN Hotmail で!http://www.hotmail.com/JA/

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Received on Sat Sep 8 13:02:42 2001