(keitai-l) Re: QR versus Semacode?

From: Christopher Kobayashi <chriskk_at_gmail.com>
Date: 07/12/05
Message-ID: <cd896f6805071123337c80f9fe@mail.gmail.com>
The keitais here in Japan can also scan QR codes that are displayed on
screen. For example a website can have a PNG/GIF of a QR code, and the
mobiles can scan them to grab a URL. A possible reason to do this is
to allow a user to connect to a mobile version of the site, or perhaps
some special content like a coupon/special weapons for a game.
(You can track useage this way too if you have a web app backend that
collects meta data such as user-agent.)

I'm not a DoCoMo user so I'm not sure about this, but another useage
is that the DoCoMo keitai devices display a QR Code so you can pay
your bill at the convenience stores. I think Gehard mentioned this
before ...

b: http://moblog.oreno.org/
e: chriskk@gmail.com
Received on Tue Jul 12 09:34:33 2005