(keitai-l) Re: number of WAP pages

From: Heimo Laukkanen <huima_at_wapit.com>
Date: 11/02/00
Message-ID: <3A012CE9.1BDAA035@wapit.com>
Tony Chan wrote:

> I spoke to the CEO of the WAP Forum, Scott Goldman, yesterday and he
> told me about a survey by an American company, Pinpoint (they do a WAP
> search engine), that found there are now about 10,000 WAP sites out
> there now with 4 million (yes, 4 million) individual pages on the Web.
> Can anyone confirm? refute?
> DoCoMo, as many has noted, has about 20,000 sites for i-mode including
> the unofficial sites, does anyone know the number of sites for KDDI's
> WAP service?

Does anyone really care how many sites and pages there are? Does it
actually matter - besides the fact that it is nice to see big numbers in
an article ,-)

When looking at wap here in Finland we have a couple of portals that
users can actually use. The most used portals are made by operators, who
also control users' access to the network. Operators also have the right
to allow or forbid the access to any other sites other than their portal
and their services. And atleast one operator does this.

Then there is the b2b-use of wap, which actually makes more sense.
Companies can access their intranets etc. through wap-devices, but these
sites have restricted access only for employers. 

So there migth be millions of sites and zillions of pages ( how can we
even count the number of pages, since lots of the content is created
dynamicly ,-), but there is only fraction of services and pages that
users can actually browse. 

And it sucks like electrolux - and makes people use more and more really
well working SMS-services... which migth actually have been operators'
idea, since billing for SMS-services is a whole deal simplier than for
wap-services ,--)

Somehow this reminds me of the early days of internet...


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Nov 2 10:54:30 2000