(keitai-l) Free movie ticket!

From: Jani PATOKALLIO <jpatokal_at_iki.fi>
Date: 11/17/00
Message-ID: <3A14F1B4.FABCE598@iki.fi>
Well well, looks like I just won the two free movie tickets from
Giga -- but it turns out that I have no interest whatsoever in
the movie and I've already made other plans.  So, the first
person to reply or call (number in the sig) gets the coupon,
on the sole condition that you tell me how the ticket was
checked at the entrance.

And that's The Replacements, admission 18:00, movie starts
at 18:30, in Kudanshita Kaikan, 1 minutes walk from
Kudanshita subway station exit 4 here in rainy Tokyo.

// List Moderator comment: Trying to resist the fact that I see the
// mail before most. I've other plans thought too. Tom :-)

Jani PATOKALLIO / jpatokal@iki.fi / +81 90 7722 3557
Sanpo Laboratory, Mechano-Informatics Dept., University of Tokyo
ヤニ・パトカリオ / jani@sanpo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp / 090 7722 3557

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Received on Fri Nov 17 10:28:43 2000