(keitai-l) Invitation to our 1st Mobile Economy & mobiliser IRC Chat Event, 18.06.01, 18.00

From: Jan Michael Hess <jansan_at_mobileeconomy.de>
Date: 06/13/01
Message-ID: <MCEDKKOFFFPALLHINJBEMEIHCGAA.jansan@mobileeconomy.de>
Dear Mobile Economy enthusiasts, mobiliser friends & wireless wizards!

I am very pleased to invite you to our first Mobile Economy & mobiliser
IRC Chat event focusing on the present and the future
of the mobile economy in the triad of Europe, USA & Japan. 

We have invited leading wireless wizards from around the planet 
and expect some new insights on such issues as: 
Revenue Sharing, SMS biz models, MVNOs, new devices, 
2G -> 3G roadmap, hotspot operators, 3G foma trials in Japan,
what users really want (cheap wireless bandwidth ...), usability limitations and more.

The Mobile Economy & mobiliser Chat kick-off will take place on a mobile monday
as an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) meeting. Join us on June 18, 2001, at 18.00 
(German local time) in the IRC channel "#mobiliser" running on irc.gigabell.de 
or the EFNet.

You can access the chat with your own IRC client (e.g. for download
at www.mirc.com) or with your browser through
www.mobiliser.org/webirc.php3 (java IRC chat client of web.de).
If you have problems, email us directly on mobile monday to 
jansan@mobiliser.org or thomas@mobiliser.org and we help you join the show.

The event will take place in English and the logfile of the chat
will be sent to every participant requesting it by email from us. 
By the time you log into the #mobiliser IRC channel, please introduce 
yourself with name, company and position such that everybody knows who's in the game.

As we have invited over 250 people to the kick-off we expect
some heavy discussions and high-level opinions. In case we need it,
we might introduce a moderation scheme during the chat.

We are looking forward to meeting and discussing with you.

Mobilise yourself, save your travel budget and enjoy the chat experience!

CEO, Mobile Economy
Editor-in-Chief, mobiliser.org

PS: We accept only 1 exclusive sponsor for each chat event. In case you
are interested, please send an email to jansan@mobiliser.org.

PPS: We won't tell you now who is invited, but among them are leading
executives in VCs, incubators, application startups, operators, 
device manufacturers, ... & quite a number of press people.


"Our vision of the mobile economy is beach2beach: Cut the wires
and do your mobile business from the beach to the beach."

Jan Michael Hess a.k.a. jansan 
CEO, Mobile Economy
Editor-in-Chief, mobiliser.org

m: +49.172.32 79 555
e: jansan@mobileeconomy.de | jansan@mobiliser.org
w: www.mobileeconomy.de | www.mobiliser.org
a: Mobile Economy GmbH & mobiliser.org
   Ahornallee 20, D-14050 Berlin, Germany

+ Mobile Economy is a research-oriented management consultancy that
  adds strategic value and helps clients develop their business.
+ mobiliser.org is the free online-magazine for the mobile economy.
+ Our Mobile Usability Report should be in your Intranet:
+ Free download of "Mobile Economy Briefing" - a progressive powerpoint 
  show presented at Berlin's Internet World in May 2001 (8,9 MB):

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Jun 13 04:19:59 2001