(keitai-l) resousce files in i-appli

From: Manik Jandial <manikj_at_vbeing.com>
Date: 06/15/01
Message-Id: <>
Hi All,
I have an interesting questions for all the members of the group....
In my application I  am using  images in  (.gif) format and sound in (.mid 
) format ...which combinely have 950 bytes.
but when  I load these  and run my application in my DoJa  toolkit  these 
files increase application size by 2k instead of 950 bytes..
I hope someone in group knows and sort it out .....
Regards ,

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jun 15 12:32:57 2001