(keitai-l) Re: Can J-Phone rock DoCoMo's boat?

From: Zev Blut <zev_at_atc.yamatake.co.jp>
Date: 06/19/01
Message-ID: <00b901c0f89b$c3bb3860$da1414ac@taishakurhq>
In response to what Ben Hutchings wrote :

> Zev Blut wrote:
> > Also, I believe that one of the phones in the US(I think Nortel??? I
> > might be wrong on this) supports the use of Datagrams, but the
> > others do not.
> Nortel?!  Maybe Nextel, with the Motorola i85s?
Oops!  Yes I think it is Nextel.

> > Also, they have an interesting idea of adding security levels to the
> > applications to allow for more access to the phone's features.
> You can do a similar thing with applets.

You sure can, but right now you cannot with i-applis or MIDP and from the
meager amount I
know about JPhone's API you cannot either.

> The real problem is that Brew involves writing low-level code that
> runs on the phone without anything to protect the rest of the phone
> software from it.  This is the reason why you have to get approval
> from Qualcomm.  Once the phone manufacturers manage to implement a
> proper Java sand-box, Java phones will be nice and stable.  I don't
> think this will happen with Brew, because there is no sand-box to
> limit the damage that an application can do, and I don't believe
> that Qualcomm is really going to do the kind of testing and source
> inspection that they would need to, to check that applications will
> not crash.  (That would slow down approval even further, of course.)

Yes, Brew has a safety/security problem that makes them require approval.
If they make
 the developers jump through hoops then why bother.  It does make you wonder
how they
plan on getting many developers to adopt the platform.  If KDDI does a good
job with their security
then maybe we might even see it get rolled into the official platform.
Although, I wonder how they are
going to do this without JNI (Java Native Interface) must have included
hooks directly in the KVM...

I am actually looking forward to all of the differences.  It gives us a lot
of search space to find out what
works best for the phones.  Luckily the APIs are not too big and complex
that getting acquainted becomes a chore.


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Received on Tue Jun 19 11:30:51 2001