(keitai-l) Re: J-Phone models & Java

From: Sam Joseph <gaijin_at_yha.att.ne.jp>
Date: 02/07/02
Message-ID: <3C624687.4040900@yha.att.ne.jp>
Hi All,

At the risk of repeating myself, we're still waiting for J-Phone to 
release a developers kit right?

That's the impression I get from the site, but I can't help feeling I'm 
missing something.

Is anybody trying to develop applets for J-Phone by using Suns J2ME and 
the API alone?

Thanks in advance


Gary James wrote:

>>Can you tell me what's the exact URL of the web site that has the new JSCL
>Gary James
>Project Leader (Theta Team)
>Layer-8 Technologies, LINC Media Group
>This mail was sent to address gaijin@yha.att.ne.jp
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Received on Thu Feb 7 11:27:36 2002