(keitai-l) Re: open source keitai tools (was Re: Re: western phone, imode sites...)

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 02/24/02
Message-ID: <12944786569.20020224225545@nooper.com>
> Nik Frengle expressed the dilemma pretty well in a recent CODEJ [1]
> presentation.
> I asked him about device characterization, and whether Intadev's [2]
> mInt had much in the way of diagnostics about content that wouldn't
> play on certain idiosyncratic phones.
> Nik replied: "It would take three people working full-time to cover
> all the issues." (My paraphrase.)  That might overstate the situation,
> I don't know -- I'd ask those Nooper [3] guys.  It is a problem,
> though.

Actually it takes 3 extremely lazy guys working full-time to
cover all the issues. Lets separate the issues:

1) Screen resolution (pixel size, text rows and cols,...)
2) Screen behavior (color issues, rendering,...)
3) Sound behavior (different soundchips,...)
4) Handset specialties (special key combinations,
   configurable cache, different fonts, new firmware
   versions in newer handsets of same series, URL behavior,
   different Java behaviour...)

There are quite a lot of companies out there which collect the
information 1+2 and offer a actual database on a subscription base.
This is not cheap.

There are also some websites out there which provide these
information for free. At least information 1 and sometimes
also 2. These information are not very reliable and often
people stop updating, because everybody just sucks the
information without adding to it (I guess this will also
be Nick's problem).

There are not very much companies out there, which also keep
a list of 3 and there is almost no public information about
the different wave tables of different handsets and I never
saw a complete and up-to-date one.

I don't know any company which offers a complete list of
number 4. But the Java issues are well known thanks to
Gigahertz and because of the low number of handsets which
actually support Java yet.

So it really depends which handset information are necessary
for the specific project, but all information are out
there...I recommend deep pockets or http://google.co.jp.

Juergen Specht CTO, Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc. Tokyo, Japan
i-mode/FOMA consulting, development, testing: http://nooper.co.jp/
Received on Sun Feb 24 16:04:59 2002