(keitai-l) Re: open source keitai tools (was Re: Re: western phone, imode si

From: Michael Turner <leap_at_gol.com>
Date: 02/27/02
Message-ID: <002b01c1bf60$67091a60$894fd8cb@phobos>
> Maybe the problem here is in thinking of devices in terms of an
> hierarchy?

I'd say.  More "HAS-A" relations, and fewer "IS-A-KIND-OF"
relations, makes more sense.  I don't think I've seen any two
multiple-inheritance object models that did things the same way.

This approach also neatly partitions expertise.  People who know
sound format deviations might not know browser foibles very well.

I still think some inheritance is good, chiefly for describing
how things go wrong.

> An alternate way would be to compose the descriptions of a number of
> different but related entities:
> <provider name="DoCoMo">
>    yadda yadda
> </provider>
> <maker name="NEC">
>   yadda yadda
> </maker>
> <device name="N503i"
>            maker="NEC"
>            provider="DoCoMo">
>   ...
> </device>

> It might be appropriate to have devices belonging to device families, and
> then have the device family be able to specify (by name, or directly
> what the generic or default device should be for that family. This would
> make it relatively straightforward to provide fallback behaviors.

Ideally only one level of fallback.  Inheritance should be shallow,
and unless there are major factoring advantages, isn't worth
the hassle.

> A lot of this stuff is actually in the CCPP spec, although I think that
> maybe (definitely?) it's more complicated than it needs to be.
> Something simple would be a better way to start, I think.

CCPP is from WAP, but hey, HTML was carved away from
a cumbersome SGML, and internet protocols made off with
a workable subset of ASN.1, otherwise avoiding most of
the execrable mess of OSI.  Steal, steal, simplify.


-michael turner
Received on Wed Feb 27 09:34:36 2002