(keitai-l) Re: i-mode contact management style sites

From: dc <dc_at_gamelet.com>
Date: 05/10/02
Message-ID: <004b01c1f7ba$6da8eed0$0ff8ec0c@C1660402A>
I think the latest rev of cHTML has an 'add to address book' func.

A java app might get round some of the packet charges issues and then also
be networked/synched. will feel clunky tho compared to built in phone book.

does the 504 java allow more access to built in phone features like add
or launch the mail prog?
JPhone's api has a 'mail listener' func but this only tells you that mail is
there, ot that you can do anything to read it from java.

BREW allows incoming SMS msgs to wake up a specific brew app which is quite

//    -----Original Message-----
//    From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net
//    [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net]On Behalf Of Paul
//    Bryan Lester
//    Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 2:44 AM
//    To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
//    Subject: (keitai-l) Re: i-mode contact management style sites
//        I'm not sure if a contact management site would
//    make sense in Japan, i-mode or otherwise.  All phones have some
//    built in contact  management software.... mine even had a
//    schedule built in
//    with a calendar and alarm system and a history.... and its
//    really good (besides the standard contact stuff).
//        If someone made a site it would need to be better and since
//    built in software has no packet charges. .... and sites
//    have no access to the
//    internals..... it would seem to me that it would be rare
//    to find any sites.
//    drew.freyman@nokia.com wrote:
//    > 104.com has a PIM tool called xxx.
//    >
//    > -----Original Message-----
//    > From: ext Simon Grice [mailto:simon@etribes.com]
//    > Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 7:55 PM
//    > To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
//    > Subject: (keitai-l) i-mode contact management style sites
//    >
//    > We're doing some research into i-mode sites.
//    > Does anyone know of any contact management style i-mode sites.
//    > We've looked and looked but haven't come across anything yet.
//    >
//    > Thanks
//    > Simon Grice
//    > Mzoku Limited
//    > www.mzoku.com
//    >
//    > This mail was sent to address drew.freyman@nokia.com
//    > Need archives? How to unsubscribe?
> This mail was sent to address paul.lester@lincmedia.co.jp
> Need archives? How to unsubscribe? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/

-Paul Lester

"Don't Forget to Try in Mind"
      "May the Force be with you"
              "Ketchup is Good"
-"Ketchup, natto and kimchee, that`s what Wogis are made of"

This mail was sent to address dc@gamelet.com
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Received on Fri May 10 03:34:29 2002