(keitai-l) Re: Web services for keitai

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 12/07/02
Message-ID: <20021207174059.38064.qmail@web9901.mail.yahoo.com>
Last year I designed a simple SOAP implementation for J2ME.  It's not up to
spec, but it gets the job done.   If anyone would like a copy, just contact me

The main problem with SOAP/XML-RPC on keitais is that those protocols are very
verbose and data charges can become very expensive for the user.  Not to
mention whatever library you use will take up a good chunk of your 10K appli
size (mine's only 3K vs 41K for kSOAP).  However, if you already have a SOAP
interface to your app, and your users are company employees (or otherwise don't
mind the high data charges), Web services on a keitai could be a Good Thing.

One more thing.  One of the great promises of Web Services is the integration
they can provide.  If I can use standard interfaces to pull data from all over
the Web for use in my app, that can be a huge time & $$ saver.  However ,the
current generation of keitais can only communicate with the server from which
they were downloaded, so the potential to make really useful and cool stuff for
keitai apps is very limited.


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Received on Sat Dec 7 19:51:52 2002