(keitai-l) Re: D505i -> SH505i

From: Reto Grob <rgrob_at_klab.org>
Date: 05/26/03
Message-Id: <20030526122437.9360.RGROB@klab.org>
Hi Curt,

> > > > SH505i ...
> > My choice coz it got a 3d display, that no one else has!
> What does this 3D display actually do for you?

It is just for the fun to try out new things. 

In fact, the first 3D display was not very usable. 
The 3D Sharp technology reduces the amount of horizontal pixels by the
half. So in the previous phone you had then a resolution of maybe 60x130
(original screen was maybe 120x130).  60x130 is just too low.

Now with the QVGA you have a 3D resolution of 120x240 (non 3D around
240x240). So, it looks much better. Also, you now can access the 3D
screen from java, so it maybe just fun to make your own 3D demo on it
(like rotating cubes or even a 3d juggler? -> nostalgic Amiga feelings

> The D, F, SH and SO all have megapixel cameras (though I'm not sure
> what's up with this "effective resolution" that's slightly higher than
> the "real resolution.") 

Yep. And they are all CCD cameras, so it looks quite good (tough you
have some distortions because of the small/cheap lenses).

One thing you may compare is actually the screens. SH and N got a 2.4
inch screen which is bigger than the others (2.2). Plus from the type of
the screens:

TFT: D505, SO505, P505, F505, N505
CG Silicon: SH505

The SH505 looks kind of very bright and colourful.

> BTW, what can you put on the SD/MS memory cards on these phones, besides
> pictures? Address book, maybe? I'd think your address book can start to
> get pretty darn large, once you start keeping pictures of everyone in it.

> Also, the D505i has now been out for two days: who's already bought one and
> can give us first impressions?

I used it a bit. It looks like a good average phone.  Plus it has a good
3d engine built in.  Tough, you may not like the design and thickness.


> cjs
> -- 
> Curt Sampson  <cjs_at_cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974   http://www.netbsd.org
>     Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC
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Reto Grob, rgrob@klab.org
Researcher, K Laboratory

Tel: +81-3-3436-1010 Fax: +81-3-5408-1203
Received on Mon May 26 06:54:50 2003