(keitai-l) Re: SMS vs email?

From: J. David Beutel <jdb_at_getsu.com>
Date: 07/30/03
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0307301101100.28126-100000@tokimi.getsu.com>
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Marcela Christina Musgrove Ch. wrote:

> are referring to. I was hoping someone could tell me why SMS isn't available in 
> Japan(just a simple standards difference?) and if you think there is (or have 
> seen any studies that show) a real difference between the SMS experience and 
> the emailing that I guess constitutes texting in Japan. (If I've got this 

Isn't SMS like AU's cmail or J-Phone's skymail?  I think all the providers 
have (or had) short messaging systems.

Email advantages:
1. compatability - use with anyone, regardless of provider.
2. much longer messages
3. attachments - pictures, video, voice, ring tones, wallpaper, appli...

SMS advantages:
1. cheaper?  
	a. because within same provider only? 
	b. because squeezed into unused protocol bandwidth?
2. some obsolete phones can't do email

Or is SMS an inter-provider standard?  Are those messages free to the 
receiver?  So there must be a payment protocol from the sender's provider 
to the receiver's provider, like with a phone call.  That must be a lot 
more complicated than email.  Does it cut down on spam?

Received on Wed Jul 30 04:42:52 2003