(keitai-l) Re: games

From: Alistair Jeffs <alistair_at_jetpack.com>
Date: 10/19/03
Message-Id: <>
Along with the noted user experience, I think the efficiency that you get 
with J2ME far exceeds a WAP/xHTML browser experience. You have the 
application sitting on your phone after one relatively chunky download and 
then it gets updated with new data depending on what you do. This lowers 
the kb download and interaction with the network. The browser experience 
means having to download an entire page for each selection that you make. 
This is something people quickly lose patience for especially when the 
network fails to deliver data products very well.

At 19:42 18/10/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>That's probably right. Even though, many people, including me and some of 
>my friends, doesn't seem to understand the need to own such a midlet, when 
>you can find free updated news by just browsing a news wap site.
>It'd be interesting to investigate what are the factors at play in having 
>people decide how to access news. Until now: Sense of Ownership, Cost, 
>Accessibility (having a midlet doing it all is easier).
>Any others ?
>Tom Hume <tom@futureplatforms.com> wrote:
>There's also the ability to have more control over the user
>experience... but I've heard a comment from a UK operator who's recently
>started selling browsable content in a J2ME "package" that such
>downloads are popular because they're a more familiar model ("I buy
>something and it lives on my phone") than the notion of subscribing for
>access to content, and generate more of a sense of ownership.
>On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 00:31, Jon Ellis wrote:
> > Mathew Smith wrote:
> >
> > > Why would someone use an i-appli rather than the browser to do this - 
> surely its functionally identical or am I missing something?
> >
> > I suppose it does have the possibility of sending less over
> > the network (after the initial download). With a browser
> > there is some overhead of the markup on top of the
> > content... Still, i'd be surprised if that overhead was more
> > than 10% of the total size.
> >
> > j.
> >
> >
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Received on Sun Oct 19 23:06:47 2003