(keitai-l) Japanese Kaitai producers poor global strategy

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 12/11/03
Message-Id: <C93E52BB-2C1C-11D8-B9E0-000A95DA29F0@exsense.com>
By reading the last sale data of global handsets sales is
clear that Korea is performing much better than Japan
in selling handsets outside its local market:


Why japanese manufactures have such a poor strategy that after so
many years their only significant presence in the european market
is due to the partnership with Ericsson?

I wonder if the midlle-term with global standards becaming more 
global innovation will be driven not by Japanese manufacturers but by 

The recently launched european i-mode phone are quiet dissapointing,
one generation behind what the market (Korea) is offering.

Giovanni Bertani
Mobile Vas Consultant
Received on Thu Dec 11 23:00:54 2003