(keitai-l) Ultra-Handy Smart-Chip Phone

From: Jason Pollard <jasonpollard_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 12/16/03
Message-ID: <20031216183240.43295.qmail@web9908.mail.yahoo.com>
Article talks about Docomo's trial of a 'smart' chip to be used for payments
about town, working on a debit card type system.


Related, can anybody comment on whatever happened to the 'buy a Coke with your
keitai' (m-commerce) thing that was buzzing about a couple yars ago?  I think
it worked via IR, or maybe you dialed a number on the vending machine's screen
for it to dispense and bill your phone.


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Received on Tue Dec 16 20:35:34 2003