(keitai-l) Re: How does Sanyo's GPS work?

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net>
Date: 11/07/05
Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.4.63.0511072250250.2926@angelic.cynic.net>
On Mon, 7 Nov 2005, Shannon Jacobs wrote:

> From your description of the process, I'm not clear why they really need the
> satellite part at all. It would seem they could do pretty much the same
> thing by just working from the known locations of the cell towers and a
> comparison of the relative signal strengths of the nearest ones.

Not at all. The signal strengths may not be at all in proportion to
distance; a base station further away might actually give a stronger
signal than one closer to due reflections, multipath, and all sorts of
interesting radio effects.

Curt Sampson  <cjs@cynic.net>   +81 90 7737 2974

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Received on Mon Nov 7 15:51:46 2005