(keitai-l) Re: Handsets with full web browsers

From: Michael(tm) Smith <smith_at_xml-doc.org>
Date: 12/28/05
Message-ID: <20051228061310.GB26461@sideshowbarker.net>
"Arnold P. Siboro" <asiboro@maltech.jp> writes:

> As I previously mentioned, with a little tweaking operamini can be
> downloaded to handsets that gives error when downloading it.

Great. I didn't know that, but it's very good to hear.

And sorry, I guess I missed the message where you wrote about
that. Do you have a write-up about it online somewhere? (I mean,
about how to install it on a not-officially-supported keitai.)

> My provider does not support packet data roaming here in Japan
> so I can't try operamini on W-CDMA, but it works well via PC
> over bluetooth. So I guess it works everywhere where there is
> connectivity to the internet.

So do you know which providers it does work with on keitai here in


Michael(tm) Smith
Received on Wed Dec 28 08:13:59 2005