(keitai-l) Re: Related - Mobile computing on a new level

From: Philip Sidel <psidel_at_iuj.ac.jp>
Date: 02/20/04
Message-Id: <>
Darren if you are correct, can you help me understand why the Infobar, an 
admittedly inferior phone from a technological standpoint has been KDDI's 
best seller in the past few months?

If you check out February's Ketai Best Magazine (in Japanese unfortunately) 
you'll see that the Infobar was au's top-selling phone even though it was 
also the phone that mobile phone sales clerks recommended the least to 
their customers due to the inferior camera and on-board technologies.

If I were to follow your logic here, the InfoBar should be a huge 
failure.  Can you help me understand this discrepancy?


At 11:34 PM 2/19/2004 +0900, you wrote:

>so bringing to a close my original point, technology of these 3g phones
>improved as did coverage as did take up. user groups may have feed back what
>the press and docomo knew already about poor converge and battery, but
>improved technology was the reason for the increase.
>This mail was sent to address psidel@iuj.ac.jp
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Received on Fri Feb 20 00:24:15 2004