(keitai-l) Re: i-mode business model & content providers [was RE: I-mode site problems]

From: Jani PATOKALLIO <jpatokal_at_iki.fi>
Date: 11/08/00
Message-ID: <3A08BE54.E0CB92A4@iki.fi>
Renfield Kuroda wrote:
> I disagree. DoCoMo makes way more money on voice than data. DoCoMo's drive for
> 3G is 99% motivated by their desire to have more bandwidth for voice, not
> next-generation data services like video phones.

Hmm...?  At least at MoMuC-2000, DoCoMo's CEO showed a nice little graph
of projected future mobile use.  The growth in voice services will reach
saturation in a few years when everybody has a phone, but there is huge
potential in data if people start to download movies and stuff through their
phones, which is why DoCoMo is concentrating its research on data services.
Naturally, what DoCoMo "really" thinks may be a different issue, but the
argument seems eminently plausible and downright obvious to me...

Jani PATOKALLIO / jpatokal@iki.fi / +81 90 7722 3557
Sanpo Laboratory, Mechano-Informatics Dept., University of Tokyo
ヤニ・パトカリオ / jani@sanpo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp / 090 7722 3557

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Received on Wed Nov 8 04:28:11 2000