(keitai-l) Re: (keitai) Closing Walled Gardens and Java vs. NativeApplications - Examples

From: Giovanni Bertani <giovanni.bertani_at_exsense.com>
Date: 05/14/03
Message-Id: <7F5ECBD4-85E8-11D7-A80D-003065BA6D3A@exsense.com>
>> All these 3 applications are developed
>> and distributed in an independent way.
>> The first one goes against the operator interest.
>> The second and the third have been developed
>> in C++.
>> The first and the third could never pass an
>> operator approval in JP...
> The third can't be written in Java on the phones available today, but
> it could be written in C or C++ for AU's BREW phone. I don't see why it
> wouldn't pass operator approval.

Because you access all the system files and you can copy and transfer
them. I this way any copyrighted content can be played.

I do not think they would permit an application like this.


Received on Wed May 14 11:48:16 2003