(keitai-l) Re: ClassFormatError

From: Claus Hoefele <claus.hoefele_at_gmail.com>
Date: 01/19/06
Message-ID: <9f8ab7ef0601181924q14a1f3echbfa8ab4e142eef90@mail.gmail.com>
Some time ago, I posted my command line script to this list, see
http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/archives/2004-08/0012.html. I can't
immediately spot a difference, but maybe it helps. I usually create my
applications with the UI tools of the emulator rather than directly on
the command line though.

Do you use floats/doubles in your class? Not allowed because DoJa 1.5
OE uses CLDC 1.0.


On 1/19/06, Serge Besnard <serge.besnard@laposte.net> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have made an i-appli for DOJA 1.5oe which works fine on the NTT
> emulator. When I download it on a LG342i, the program exits after trying
> to open a simple class extending Object, with ClassFormatError.
> Before crashing, the JVM has had time to create the IApplication, create
> and display a JPanel, so I am baffled. I do not use obfuscation.
> I compile with the command line, with the following commands :
> E:\jdk1.3.1_17\bin\javac.exe @args.txt @classes.txt
> with args.txt :
> -g:none
> -bootclasspath E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\doja_classes.zip;E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\classes.zip
> -d E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\classes
> -target 1.1
> -sourcepath E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\src
> and classes file containing my IApplication java file.
> then :
> E:\JAVA\iDK\bin\preverify.exe -cldc -classpath
> E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\classes.zip;E:\JAVA\iDK\lib\doja_classes.zip -d
> E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\preverified E:\JAVA\iDK\apps\KD\classes
> *********************
> Is there a size limit to a class ?
> My java classes belong to different packages, is that a problem ?
> Thanks for your help
> Serge
> This mail was sent to address claus.hoefele@gmail.com
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3D graphics for Java mobile devices
Part 1: M3G's immediate mode
Part 2: M3G's retained mode
Received on Thu Jan 19 05:24:41 2006