(keitai-l) Re: J-Phone and DDI business models

From: Andrea Hoffmann <ah_at_anima.de>
Date: 06/23/00
Message-ID: <39534D96.850D2CB8@anima.de>
Hi Dave,

> Also, here's where I'm going to fess up to some ignorance, and look for
> someone to clarify things for me.
> DoCoMo offers I-Mode, using cHTML
> J-Phone offers J-Sky Net(?), using WAP
> IDO offers CDMAsomethingorother, using WAP?
> DDI offers ?, using WAP?
> Tuka offers ?, using WAP?
> Any others?

IDO, DDI and Tuka all deliver a joint service called CdmaOne 
(ezweb and ezaccess), which is the Japanese WAP. The 
corresponding markup language to build cdmaone servies is 
HDML (=Handheld Device Markup Language). 

HDML is not similar to HTML but close to WML (=Wireless Markup 
Language), the WAP markup language mostly used in Europe and the 

J-Phone delivers J-Skyweb (=neither wap nor i-mode!) and the 
corresponding markup language is MML (Mobile Markup Language) 
which is similar to HTML and CHTML.

DoCoMo offers I-Mode and the corresponding markup language 
is CHTML (Compact HTML) which is similar to MML and HTML. 

(This is said to be one reason why DoCoMo fears J-Phone 
more as a competitor then CdmaOne although J-Phone has 
only a few hundred sites so far. the services are build 
with a similar markup language.)

Andrea Anima Hoffmann  ---  Mobile phone: 090-7406-5370
Westcyber Mobile Japan -- http://anima.editthispage.com
E-Mail: ah@anima.de  & shortmail: hoffmann@docomo.ne.jp
Received on Fri Jun 23 14:38:36 2000